Chilled Tofu with Peach and Kimchi

Summer time calls for easy recipes, fresh produce, and not turning the stove on! This recipe is my version of the Japanese chilled tofu dish called hiyayakko. Typically served in the summer time, it’s a quick and easy, light and fresh dish to keep you cool on a hot day. Fresh tofu makes a great backdrop to highlight toppings and sauces, different flavors and textures, and the versatility makes it as customizable as you want. It makes for a nice appetizer, side dish, or light lunch or dinner.

As usual, the recipe was partially born out of what was currently in my fridge (less frequent trips to the grocery store forces creativity I guess). It’s a nice balance between spicy and acidic kimchi, sweet peaches, creamy tofu, and savory and umami soy sauce and sesame oil. The kimchi, green onions, and sesame seeds also add a nice crunch and contrast to the soft tofu and peaches.

Kimchi is a traditional Korean side dish made of salted, seasoned and fermented vegetables, most commonly cabbage. It’s a spicy, crunchy side dish that can be served with a variety of dishes, and the fermentation process gives it the characteristic tangy flavor. Similar to other fermented foods, kimchi is rich in probiotics, and these good bacteria can benefit the digestive system and gut health.


Serves 4 as an appetizer or side dish

1 block (14 oz) soft or silken tofu, chilled

1/2 cup kimchi, chopped

1 fresh peach, diced into small cubes

2 tablespoons soy sauce

2 tablespoons sesame oil

1 teaspoon sesame seeds

1 green onion, finely sliced


Open the package of tofu and place on a paper towel lined plate. Let tofu rest for 10 minutes to drain excess liquid. Pat dry, divide into 4 equal blocks, and place each block on individual serving plates or small bowls.

Arrange kimchi and peaches on either side of the tofu, and sprinkle green onion and sesame seeds on top.

In a separate bowl, combine soy sauce and sesame oil. Drizzle over each serving of tofu and serve immediately.


You can use any variety of stone fruits in this recipe – peaches, nectarines, plums or apricots would all work well. 

The tofu makes a great base for many different toppings – try to keep a variety between spicy, salty, sweet, and sour ingredients for optimal balance.